It’s time to book your flights to Asia! Whether you’re flying to China to visit your family, Japan to experience hot springs, or to the silver beaches of Thailand to escape your Winter blues, StudentUniverse has the best deals on flights. Unsure of when to book? Don’t worry, we’ve forecasted the cheapest time to book your flight based on trends we’ve seen.



Tips #1 Avoid peak travel times.

This graph (compiled from 2014 data) illustrates that most of our members traveled to Asia between December 8 and December 29, 2014. Why does this matter? Flights are more expensive when there is a higher demand for a specific time frame. Try to avoid the popular travel days below if you are able. Our data shows that you could save up to $1,000 by traveling before December 10!


Tips #2 Save more when you book early.

Booking early means more flight options and great itineraries. You’ll have the pick of the bunch if you can beat everyone to the punch. Check out the following chart that highlights search prices for 2014 flights to Asia: you will easily find that the best time to book is at the end of August. Don’t miss out, search for your flight to Asia now!

Search Prices for Flights from US to Asia departing in December, 2014


Tips #3 Use flexible search.

When we looked at the prices for flights to Asia in December, we found that flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are much cheaper than flights on Fridays and Saturdays. Remember to employ flexible search when looking for flights to ensure you fly on one of the more affordable days.

Booking Prices Based on Days of the Week in 2014


Want the best deal on your flight to Asia?

Access the discount on flights to Asia today for an extra $50 off your flight from the US to Asia.


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